Monday, December 20, 2010

Tips Dunia Kerja : Wujudkan Impian Karir Anda Sekarang!

Tahun 2010 sudah hampir berakhir, Apakah impain karir Anda telah tercapai di tahun ini? "Tahun ini saya ingin lulus PNS", "Ingin Kerja di Bank" , " Ingin naik jabatan", dan masih banyak lagi impian karir setiap orang. 

Jika impian karir anda saat ini belum terwujud janganlah bersedih hati. Berikut tips sederhana untuk membantu Anda lebih bersemangat dalam mewujudkan impian karir Anda :

> Buat review karir dalam bentuk Grafik
Cobalah mengingat kembali perjalanan karir Anda tahun ini. Ingat bagaimana saat Anda memulai karir hingga karir Anda hari ini. Setelah itu buatlah review karir Anda dalam bentuk grafik karir. Grafik ini akan membantu Anda melihat perjalanan karir Anda. Apakah bentuk grafik naik ataukah turun?

> Lihat, Analisa, dan Perbaiki
Grafik telah selesai Anda buat, lalu Apa hasilnya? Naik atau Turun? Lihat dan perhatikan dengan baik apakah perjalanan kerja Anda mengalami peningkatan atau kebalikannya. Analisa dengan baik grafik karir Anda.

Jika pekerjaan Anda selama ini mengalami kemajuan dan impian karir anda telah terwujud. Anda boleh berbangga hati, karena usaha Anda sepanjang tahun ini tidaklah sia-sia. Tapi Jika grafik anda memperlihatkan penurunan. Maka Anda harus berbesar hati untuk kembali berjuang di tahun depan.

Tak ada manusia yang sempurna, walaupun grafik Anda menunjukkan kemajuan bukan berarti Anda dapat bersantai ria di tahun depan. Analisa dan tuliskan kekurangan-kekurangan Anda. Dan Camkan pada diri Anda untuk memperbaiki segala kekurangan Anda. Atau setidaknya Anda dapat lebih berhati-hati untuk tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama. Perbaikan diri adalah kunci untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik!

> Kembali buat Rencana
Setelah mereview dunia kerja Anda di tahun ini, segeralah membuat rencana baru untuk karir dan pencapaian apa saja yang ingin Anda raih di tahun depan. Pikirkan dan tuliskan rencana Anda sebaik mungkin. Jangan tulis rencana yang memang diri Anda belum mampu untuk melakukannya.

> Menjadi manusia yang lebih baik
Untuk sebagian manusia berpikir untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Pemikiran ini tidaklah buruk. Tapi menurut saya Meyakinkan diri untuk menjadi lebih baik adalah hal yang lebih baik. 

Ubahlah mimpi Anda menjadi impian. Kemudian bangun dan usahakan impian tersebut menjadi kenyataan.

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Friday, December 10, 2010




Kami adalah General Manufaktur, Trading & Distribution Company.

Karena kami ingin memperluas pertumbuhan, Kami sangat membutuhkan Kandidat untuk posisi berikut:


Kualifikasi :
  • Pria/Wanita, Pendidikan Min. S1 Computer
  • Familiar dengan bisnis proses & ERP
  • Menguasai SQL Script
  • Minimal menguasai salah satu bahasa pemrograman
  • Menguasai bahasa inggris (min.pasif)
  • Mandiri & cepat dalam belajar
  • Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim

Kirimkan Lamaran lengkap, CV dan foto terakhir ke:

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INDONESIA VACANCY Information Technology - Visual Basic .Net Programmer @ PT PRAWEDA CIPTAKARSA INFORMATIKA



We are seeking for qualified candidates to joint our strong team in the following positions:

INDONESIA VACANCY Information Technology - Visual Basic .Net Programmer

Requirements :
  • Minimum D3, graduate from a reputable institution majoring in Information and Technology
  • Having more than 2 years experience in developing application
  • Have ability on three tier analysis and design
  • Have in depth knowledge of OOP and development cycle
  • Have knowledge in : ASP .Net with VB .Net or C#, CSS, MS. SQL SERVER, MS IIS, MS Framework
  • Good team worker as well as independent worker
  • Familiar with any operating system Windows family
  • Must be self motivated and have strong analytical skills
  • Be able to communicate in english, both spoken and written
  • Able to work in under pressure environment and dealing with multi-task jobs
  • Have no hesitation in travelling local or overseas

Kindly send your application and resume using format of .DOC and .PDF  along with the photograph directly to :

Excellent opportunity and challenges will be offered. Only short listed candidates will be notified.

PT. Praweda Ciptakarsa Informatika
Gedung Samudra Indonesia Lt 7
Jl. Let.Jend. S.Parman Kav. 35
Jakarta 11480

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INDONESIA VACANCY Information Technology - IT Department Staff


We are one of the Top 5 Brand cellular phone Principle in Indonesia.

We are looking for creative, enthusiastic, passionate and proactive people to be part of our dynamic and Challenging working environment with many chance of Career Development and interesting remuneration package.

INDONESIA VACANCY Information Technology - IT Department Staff (ITS)

  • D3/S1, max. 24 yrs old
  • Hardware and Network Skill
  • Microsoft Office skill is a must
  • Linux and programming skill is an advantage
  • English literate

  • Maintain IT Assets
  • Troubleshooting Hardware and Network
  • Manage Data Center

If you meet our requirements, please send your application with detail CV by using"Jobs Indonesia" or email Us at Only shortlisted candidates who qualified will be notified for interview by phone or e-mail.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Vacancy Information Technology (I.T.) PROGRAMMERS > REFINE Consulting

Indonesia Vacancy in REFINE Consulting

We are IT Company based in Jakarta and an exclusive partner of the world leading banking products which have customer of the world’s top banks.

We are currently looking for highly motivated people to join our team as:

Vacancy Information Technology (I.T.) PROGRAMMERS

  • S1 fresh graduated or 1-2 years experience from Informatics/Computer/Engineering.
  • D3 with relevant experience/skills is also welcome.
  • Having skill in one of the following: .NET, Java, Javascript.
  • Having knowledge of Database system.
  • Honest, hard worker, fast learner and able to work in a team.
  • Having good analytical, problem solving and customer interaction skill.
  • Fluently in oral and written English.

Please send application, CV, photo and supporting documents to email: or Apply from >> Jobs Indonesia

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Kami Perusahaan Importir  berkembang, sedang mengembangkan usaha di Semarang membutuhkan  tenaga ahli sebagai berikut :

Lowongan Pekerjaan ADMINISTRASI (ADM)

Kualifikasi :
  • Pria / Wanita usia max 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan min. D3 Akuntansi/Manajemen
  • Mengerti Ms. Office / Internet
  • Min. pasif Inggris & Mandarin
  • Memahami  Administrasi Keuangan & Logistik
  • Domisili SEMARANG

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut di atas, dapat mengirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan CV dan pas foto paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini tayang  melalui email ke :

atau kirim lamaran melalui >> Indonesia Vacancy

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Vacancy in Indonesia : Admin > PT SAPUTRA BROTHERS


Ray White Kemanggisan Property Agent

Indonesia Vacancy Administration

Administration Staff

Minimum Requirements :

1. Female (max 30yrs old)
2. Computer Literate (Office, Photoshop, Email)
3. Minimum Education D3
4. Knowledge in Tax preferred
5. Knowledge in Simple Accounting preferred

Apply from >> Jobs Indonesia

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INDONESIA VACANCY Information Technology (I.T.) Database Engineer > PT SML TECHNOLOGIES


SML Technologies is a building Indonesian provider of mobile network engineering services. Our company designs, manages, and supports mobile telecommunication networks for telecoms equipment vendors and service operators nationwide and aim to extend our business to the Asia-Pacific area, and ultimately become a leading player in the region.

We are a fast growing telecommunication company located in Jakarta, we will invite the new applicants with suitable candidate to fill the position:
INDONESIA VACANCY Information Technology (I.T.) > Database Engineer

  • Male / Female
  • Hold Bachelor degree in Information / Electrical Engineering
  • Min. 1 year experience in similar position
  • Fluent in English both oral & written is a must
  • Proficient in MS Access, MS Excel, & Power Point (including VBA Macro)
  • Proficient in SQL and PL / SQL (Oracle Database)
  • Have programming basic skills
  • Knowledge of cellular telecommunications network concept (recommended)
  • Hard worker and fast learner

If you meet above requirements and wish to join with us, please send your comprehensive resume, CV and current photograph

To : HRD Department
PT. Sarana Maju Lestari (SML Technologies)
Jl. Suren II No.13 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12180
e-mail :

More Info >> Job in Indonesia

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010



Dunkin’ Donuts is a World Quality Pioneer Coffee & Donuts in Indonesia.
We needs  a profesionals employee to joint us :


  1. Male/Female, Single, age max. 28 years old
  2. Education min S1 Teknik Komputer (Preferable from BINUS)
  3. Preferably has 2 years experience
  4. Having knowledge in Programmer (Microsoft-Visual Studio, Share point, SQL, Mac Apple O/S & Programming, Workflow & Business Intelegence)
  5. Able to work individually and  part of team
  6. Computer literate, fluent in English

Please send your Complete CV and Photograph to : or Apply from > Job



  •  The role
  • Reporting to the Software Development Manager, Carry out independent research to help find solutions to the development challenges
  • Handle the complete lifecycle of an application from the process of requirements gathering to deployment
  •  The requirement
  • Experience in database administration, database design and ETL
  • Experience in web programming
Skills that would be required/good to have:
  • Experience in benchmarking and optimizing SQL queries and performing database tuning Experience dealing with large databases(preferably PostgreSQL and/or Vertica and/or Greenplum)
  • Experience designing OLAP databases
  • Experience building and maintaining ETL setups
  • Java language experience is a plus
  • Knowledge in PHP, JSP, J2EE, Perl, JavaScript, HTML, or other web programming
  • Familiar with Linux Redhat
  • Have experience in developing web applications
  • Good English (oral & written)
  • Good analytical, fast learner, dynamic and hardworking
  • Good interpersonal skill, team work and can work under pressure
  • Fresh Graduate is welcome to apply.

Send CV to : or Apply from > Job
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PT Wellcomm Ritelindo Pratama is opening an opportunity for candidates who are qualified to join and develop your career with us.

LOWONGAN PEKERJAAN HR > Recruitment Specialist

Job Requirements :
  • Minimal S1 Managemen/Psikologi
  • Pria/Wanita (single), max 33 tahun
  • Berkepribadian baik, bertanggung jawab dan mempunyai komunikasi yang baik
  • Pengalaman di bidang recruitment minimal 2 tahun
  • Lebih di utamakan pengalaman di bidang retail
  • Dapat bekerjasama dengan team ataupun bekerja sendiri
  • Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan dan mengatasi masalah
  • Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas

Interested applicants, please email in details of your work experience, qualifications, present & expected salaries and contact numbers to :

We regret that only short listed candidates will be contacted.

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Lowongan Pekerjaan Admin > UNIVERSITAS BUNDA MULIA




  • Pria/Wanita
  • Latar belakang pendidikan: D3
  • Pengalaman min. 1 thn
  • Usia maks.: 26 thn.
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Menguasai pemanfaatan teknologi informasi

Bagi saudara/i yang berminat, segera mengirim CV lengkap ke:

Telp. 021-690 90 90, Fax. 021-6909712


Email :

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lowongan Pekerjaan IT&Design >> PT TERACORD INDONESIA


PT. TERACORD INDONESIA adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan  penyedia layanan Online Business. Merupakan anak perusahaan dari salah satu perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) yang bergerak dalam bidang distribusi yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2004 dan menguasai pasar di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera. Sesuai visi dan misi untuk menjadi yang terbesar dan No. 1 di Indonesia, maka dengan rencana ekspansi di bidang situs online di bidang appareal ( Fashion ), kami mencari individu-individu terbaik untuk bergabung dalam team kami dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Lowongan Pekerjaan IT & Design > Web Designer

Job description: membuat dan memelihara performa website untuk tetap optimum.

  • Minimum S1 Multimedia/Desain Grafis.
  • Memiliki Portofolio
  • Pengalaman kerja minimum 3 tahun di bidang Web Design/Multimedia.
  • Pria/Wanita, usia maks 30 thn.
  • Menguasai software grafis seperti Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Fireworks
  • Menguasai Flash, Dreamweaver, HTML/CMS, CSS, (bisa Javascript adalah kelebihan).
  • Berpengalaman mendesign website dengan karakter situs Jejaring Sosial.
  • Inovatif, out of the box.

  • Membuat design website.
  • Melakukan system maintenance.
  • Menyediakan data untuk menganalisis performa situs.

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap CV dan photo terbaru serta gaji yang diinginkan ke :

"Hanya Kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi diatas yang akan diproses"

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Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta is currently seeking qualified candidate to fill the position of:


Job General Requirements :
  • Bachelor of Psychology  / Bachelor of Law - from reputable University or College
  • Min. GPA 3.5 of 4.0
  • Min. Experience of 2-3 Years in HR & Training Department (Hospitality industries)
  • Male / Female, Max. 30 years old
  • Strong analytical mind with good business manner
  • Good Communications Skills, both written and Spoken, Especially in English
  • Able to work under pressure, fast learner, Excellent in communications & interpersonal skills, independent and be multi - tasking

For those who are interested in these position are welcome to submit your CV and be addressed to :
Human Resources Manager
Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 86 Jakarta 10220

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We are leading Company which is focused in financial services. As a part of our fast growing business and to support our vision to become “YOUR No. 1 financial partner”, we are currently looking for qualified candidates to fill the following position:


  • Male, Age 25-35 years old
  • S1 graduate in Information technology/ Computer Science, with a minimum GPA 3.00
  • Must have a minimum of 2 years experience as a web programmer
  • Must have a high understanding and experience in programming (coding standard, etc)
  • REQUIRED SKILLS: MS SQL server, Framework Yii, Code igniter
  • Understanding html, dhtml, JQuery/Javascript, CSS and AJAX is an advantage
  • Posses a strong programming and analytical skills
  • Able to work in a team, creative, energetic, fast learner and highly motivated
  • Able to work under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Creative and initiative
Please submit your CV with recent photograph

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Urgently Required

Audittindo is a Consulting, Education, Solution and Pubishing services provider in Governance, Risk, Control and Audit. We are urgently seeking for young talented professionals who are willing to learn and develop their professional skills and experiences as :


He/she will be responsible in solution services of developing web-based applications, such as Audit Management Information System, by working closely with other programmers, business and system analyst, and users.

We are expecting the candidate to have the following Job criteria:
  • At least Bachelor degree in Computing Science / Information Management / Information Technology with minimum GPA 3.00
  • Experienced as Programmer in web-based application development projects at least 1 year
  • Advanced skills and experiences in VB.NET, ASP.NET and C#
  • Willing to learn and experiment with the latest technologies
  • Good interpersonal skill and able to work with various level of management
  • Fluent in English both in written and oral.
  • Willing to work under pressure in meeting assignments deadline
  • Willing to travel around Indonesia for a short term assignments

Please send your email to by stating the position code "PROG" in the email subject. Due to urgency, only short-listed candidates will be processed. All applications' information will be treated confidentially. For more information on Audittindo’s products & services please visit or contact

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Sebagai pusat perkakas terlengkap, ACE kini membuka kesempatan bekerja bagi tenaga muda berpotensi untuk bergabung sebagai :

Lowongan Pekerjaan IT > PROGRAMMER

Persyaratan :
  • Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik Informatika atau Sistem Informasi
  • Memiliki kemampuan membuat program
  • Maintenance / trouble shooting program
  • Menguasai VB.Net, VB6, SQL, windows server

ke :
Tuliskan kode lamaran di kolom "SUBJECT"

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Lowongan Pekerjaan IT Staff >> PT EXEDY INDONESIA


Perusahaan Manufaktur, berlokasi di Karawang, membutuhkan segera beberapa tenaga kerja untuk mengisi posisi-posisi di bawah ini :

Lowongan Pekerjaan IT > IT Staff (System Development)

Persyaratan :
  • D3/S1 Manajemen / Teknik Informatika
  • Laki-laki, usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Memiliki pengalaman min 2 tahun di bidangnya pada perusahaan manufaktur
  • Menguasai bahasa Pemrograman Visual Foxpro
  • Bisa menggunakan Ms. SQL
  • Bahasa Inggris aktif, lisan dan tulisan
  • Berdomisili disekitar Karawang

Yang memenuhi persayaratan dapat mengirimkan lamaran, CV dana Pasfoto Terbaru via email dengan alamat:

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Monday, November 29, 2010



We are in retail optical company that is growing rapidly, with a network store spread across Indonesia. Seeking professional, reliable and qualified to join us in position:


Job Qualifications:
  • Max. 30 yrs old
  • Min. Degree (S1) in Management Information Technology.
  • At least 2 years of experience in Programming DELPHI with MY-SQL (online system)
  • Detail, accurate, quick response and communicative.
  • Having excellent team work and integrity.

Please send your application, resume, transcript, recent color photographs and copy of ID card to:

Jl. Pintu Air Raya No. 36 K-L
Jakarta Pusat, 10710



PT Güntner Indonesia is a leading multinational company in Indonesia, and a part of Güntner-Group. One of the leading companies worldwide in the sector of heat transfer technology. The Güntner-Group is present on all continents with production sites as well as Güntner affiliated and non-affiliated sales and service companies.

A number of the major reasons for the successful development and worldwide expansion of the Güntner-Group are the long years of experience and our commitment to the personal and professional growth of each team member. By constantly striving for improvement and progress, the Güntner-Group is able to guarantee its customers and business partner’s continuous and lasting success.To support our business growth, we invite highly motivated, dynamic, and open-minded individual to join our dynamic team as:


The incumbent of this position is responsible for network operations including: connectivity problems, installing & maintaining routers, Firewall administration and intrusion detection, design new and improve existing networks, documentation. Provides system administration and monitoring of network and communication systems, including multiple Local Area Network (LAN), Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) systems to ensure that it working properly to support Company’s operation.

Job Requirements:
  1. Holds at least Bachelor Degree from a reputable university with GPA min 3.00, preferably from Computer Science Information Technology background.
  2. Minimum 2 years of working experience preferably within the similar roles of group project in manufacturing MNC’s.
  3. Well-experienced in Linux/Unix (SUSE Linux Enterprise is preferable) is a must.
  4. Good knowledge in IT Infrastructure, Networking TCP/IP Concept, Routing, Firewall, VPN, and Network monitoring tool.
  5. Communicative and have strong organizational, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
  6. Able to create detailed technical documentation.
  7. Strong work commitment with the ability to work independently and be self driven.
  8. Able to provide business support and be a strong partner in operations.
  9. Meticulous with an aptitude for figures and able to multitask effectively.
  10. Strong analytical skills with the ability to think and plan ahead.
  11. Proficient in English (spoken and written) and computer application literacy is a must.
  12. Willing to be posted within the factory area in Beji – Pasuruan, East Java.

If you possess the above requirements, please send your application letter together with CV (In English) and recent photograph by stating the position code in the subject of the email no later than two weeks after this advertisement to:

For more information about our company, please visit us at or

Only short-listed candidates will be notified

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Lowongan Pekerjaan Manajemen Ahli Tambang >> SINAR CAHAYA KARYA MULIA,PT


Lowongan Pekerjaan Pertambangan >> Manajemen Ahli Tambang (MAT)

  • Minimal 3 tahun dalam mengelola pertambangan batu bara (open cast)/Mineral dengan memiliki keahlian    manajemen proyek termasuk kemampuan untuk mengawasi biaya proyek sesuai dengan budget.
  • Mengkoordinir aktivitas produksi dan engineering tambang batubara dan Batu Cromit/Mineral dengan cara efektif, efisien dan aman.

  • Usia antara 30 – 50 tahun.
  • Minimal S1 Teknik Pertambangan atau S1 Teknik Geologi.
  • Minimum memiliki sertifikat "Pengawasan Operasional Madya (POM)"
  • Menguasai laporan Studi Kelayakan.
  • Lebih disukai menguasai program Minescape/Minex dan Autocad.
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi proyek di Kalimantan Selatan.


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Lowongan Pekerjaan DESIGNER >> PT. Adhitama Grahamas

Info Kerja >> PT. Adhitama Grahamas

Kami PT. Adhitama Grahamas sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Art Glass, dan menjadi salah satu bagian dari sebuah Perusahaan berskala Nasional, mencari kandidat terbaik dibidangnya untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Pekerjaan Design >> DESIGNER

  • Min D3 Teknik Arsitektur / Seni Rupa / Design Grafis
  • Mampu mengoperasikan computer CorelDraw, Freehand, PhotoShop
  • Mempunyai Jiwa Seni
  • Berpengalaman dalam pembuatan sketsa tangan
  • Mempunyai kepekaan yang tinggi terhadap seni
  • Mampu mendesign dengan konsep skala
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

Bila Anda memiliki kualifikasi yang kami harapkan, segera kirimkan lamaran lengkap dan CV Anda disertai dengan pas photo terbaru, melalui email ke :

Bagi kandidat yang lolos akan diberikan remunerasi yang menarik !!

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Tips for Women's Careers >> Proper Diet for Women's Careers


A survey found that most women work blame the job as their cause weight gain. As a super busy woman, almost certainly they do not have time to just think about body shape. Solid working hours and excessive stress makes their eating patterns into disarray.

Starting from skipping breakfast is very important, then lose time because of busy lunch and conclude with a potluck dinner. With this lifestyle as they will not get adequate food intake to work. But instead of losing weight, they tend to suffer from excess weight. Why did this happen?

Stressful working environment make a career woman looking for an escape by eating foods that spoil cans Their appetite and make them feel happy and comfortable. After a day of struggling with the important deals and have to withstand hunger, it is not sinful if you reward yourself with a large package of cheese burger and a glass of milkshake for dinner. After all, this day was filled by the stomach only a few packets of chips, candy, and coffee glasses. This illustration shows how unhealthy as the food consumed super busy career woman who ultimately have an impact on their weight increase.

To keep the body healthy and a little weight loss widened to stay awake during a woman's career, here are the tips:

1. Do not miss breakfast.
How busy you should never miss breakfast. If you do not have time to do it at home, do it in the office. According to researchers at the National Weight Control Registry, a breakfast to keep the body stay slim because you are waking from hunger and avoid snacking until the next mealtime. Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, of Pennington Biomedical Research Centre, the United States found that breakfast is two eggs each day to lose weight 65% faster! Do not forget to combine it with vegetables and fresh fruit sugars that can supply blood to the brain, such as citrus, apple and strawberry.

2. Balanced menu for lunch.
We recommend you bring lunch from home because in addition to more hygienic and secure nutrition, portion measuring more measured and certainly cheaper. But often lack the time to be a reason to not prepare and bring lunch, so that inevitably you have to eat lunch outside the office. If you have to buy lunch choose a balanced diet with intake of carbohydrate, protein and less fat. Do not forget to insert vegetables and fruit on every menu. Fruits should be eaten before other foods consumed. Be careful with bottled sauce and soy sauce because they contain excessive sugar and salt.

3. Avoid snacks.
Sitting at the computer all day and skipping lunch to make you will try to prop up your stomach with a variety of snacks that 'feel' filling. A handful of corn tortilla chips, a chocolate muffin, fried potato chips are still warm and it was too tempting to pass up. If you want to be healthy, stop that thought right now because these snacks are high in cholesterol and high saturated fat and almost no nutrition. Once the hunger strike better you eat the fruit. No need to bother cutting or peeling, just buy a fruit salad, salad or fruit juice is enough, provided no added sugar that is too much.

4. Drinking water.
Eight glasses a day is the recommended nominal. However, for you are based in air-conditioned room, you should consume more because the body will quickly become dehydrated. Provide a container of water is always large enough so that you do not need to go back and forth to the dispenser for drinking. In addition to launching metabolism, drinking water can also satisfy their hunger.

5. Sports.
Inevitably exercise and a balanced diet is the principal keys to be healthy and have the ideal body. No need to be heavy, because you will not have time. Incorporated in each sport your daily activities. For example, instead of using the elevator, you better go up stairs, or come directly to cubicle friends instead of sending private message, and do light stretching while sitting at your work station.

Working at the computer and busy in the office every day is not a constraint for a person to maintain health and body shape. The point is to live life and eat a balanced diet. The key is intent. Maintain ideal body shape is important, but your health is much more important. Be wise in choosing your diet program!

Get job from Here Jobs IndonesiaIndonesia Vacancy

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Job Fair Tips >> Find Your Dream Career at the Job Fair


One of the major access that provides information on employment opportunities at job seekers, whether they come from the professional or student or fresh graduate is a job market or job fair. This is an event that presents a lot of companies are recruiting employees at one place, at the same time.

Today more companies are realizing that the job market is a powerful way to recruit more employees within a relatively short time. Generally they use the job fair to recruit employees and conduct preliminary selection for the entry and middle levels. For them, the job market to save time, effort and funds to recruit and conduct initial screening of candidates.

In this event they can even do initial interviews. The recruitment process runs quickly and efficiently on the job market for job seekers who come have been filtered according to the type of job market itself. Job market also often be an event to do branding for companies that have a target market according to the job fair visitors.

In Indonesia, the job market is often held by companies that are struggling in the workplace, government institutions, several leading public and private universities and even large national companies.

Job fair is a chance that if you do not miss job hunting. In addition to getting the job information, you can use this event to expand the network and obtain information on developments in your field. In order for your visit effective and efficient there are a few things worth noting.

1. Job fair is no place for 'window shopping' jobs. If you only intend to walk and look around with the thought that everyone knew there was a suitable job, then believe that you only spend time and energy just throw away. Job fair in Indonesia can be sure will always be filled with visitors. Moreover, at this time when global and national economic conditions are not too profitable, and many companies have to 'lay off' their employees. Come to this event with serious intent and preparation to find work.

2. Know the type of each job fair. Sometimes the event is specifically organized to accommodate the need for manpower in certain areas. Some universities often hold job fair specifically for the field of information technology, there is also a special job fair for job seekers the field of marketing. Not infrequently also a special company held a job fair to meet the recruitment needs of their own. That's why knowing the importance of clear information about the type of job market you will visit to make sure you target the right of the job market.

3. Find out as much as possible about the job fair is addition to the type, place, time, registration fee, you also should know the plan of the job market, booth location of your target companies. Thus you do not need to get around a time when you try to apply at your target company.

4. Update your CV and cover letter create general. Before you visit a job fair, a time to update your CV. Print some of your CV and cover letter on paper and bring your representative with hard plastic folder so as not to 'crumpled'. If the job fair will be visited using a paperless method, then you only need to prepare a soft copy of your CV and cover letter. is usually held a job fair with this method. Store in a flash disk and make sure it does not exceed the applicable provisions. Make sure also that the flash disk is virus free because although there is usually a help desk who are willing to help clean up your files, but doing so will spend a lot of your time. Besides can upload your CV on the spot, visitors are also strongly advised to first register and register / upload their CVs on the web site job fair. This will save much time and you'll avoid the snaking queue.

5. Appearance is one thing important in applying for work in the job market. The first impression you give will inevitably be created by your appearance. You do not need to wear a blazer / jacket complete and high boots (if you're female). Dress neatly and formally like material pants, shirt and shoes neatly closed. For a while, take lip piercings, eyebrow, tongue or places other unusual.

6. Prepare yourself if you turned out to be directly facing the interview. Do not panic if you are asked to directly interview, this would indicate that the company is interested in your qualifications. Make a list of answers to the following questions:

   1. Tell me about yourself.
   2. What makes you feel fit for this job.
   3. What are your strengths and weaknesses.
   4. How do you see yourself in five years.

7. Prepare your physical with enough rest and do not forget to eat before you visit the job fair. Low blood sugar will make you lose your concentration so that would make it difficult later when answering questions from the interviewer.

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Seven Tips on Working at Your Computer >> Productivity and Ergonomics

By Jerry J James

Job Tips >> We usually must spend many hours in front of our computers. Establishing correct placement of monitor, keyboard and mouse along with assuring comfortable sitting height and posture can go along way toward reducing desk related injury and increasing health and productivity. Here are seven helpful computer workstation tips toward working healthier, increasing productivity and minimizing injury.
  • Get the CPU off of the desk. It should be within arm's reach if you need to insert a memory stick, CD or DVD, but the day of the floppy is long gone, so save the valuable desk real estate for important projects instead of the CPU.
  • Position work surface so that your feet rest flat on the floor. You can use a footrest if needed. Legs should comfortably fit underneath and posture should be upright assuring good blood flow to the legs. Get up and stretch regularly.
  • Keyboard should be at a comfortable height where upper arm can relax, not placed to high where you have to lift your shoulders to use the keyboard creating undue stress on shoulders and neck. It should have a slight tilt toward you.
  • Elbows should be at right angles to allow the wrists to be straight. So you can type with your fingers alone and not stress the entire upper body. This can also minimize the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. Frequent breaks are a must, so pace your workflow to do typing and then perhaps filing (documents not nails J), or other non-repetitive task.
  • Monitor should be placed directly in front of you and centered. Turning your neck or holding it to one side can cause neck tension and headaches. It should be at least the width of the monitor away from you to avoid excess eye strain.
  • Keep your back against the back rest of the chair and invest in a good ergonomically designed chair that supports lower back. Sitting on an unsuitable chair for extended periods of time is the fastest way toward back, neck, shoulder and other physical problems associated with long periods at the workstation.
  • Take regular breaks. Even a 1 minute break to get up and stretch is helpful to get the blood circulating better in addition to regular longer breaks. Your work will be more efficient and productive.

Extra Tip: It is better to be productive when working at a workstation. This goes more toward productivity than ergonomics, but working on the computer for extended hours is taxing enough on mind, eyes, neck and shoulders, fingers and wrists. So if you are not going to be productive, take the time to go for a walk, get a bite to eat or do other non-chair tasks. You will be more refreshed and able to tackle the computer tasks if you have not worn down your daily dose of sitting and typing on non-essential tasks. Here's to staying healthy and maximizing your comfort in at your workstation.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Job Fair Tips => Anyone Can Use

by  job- search- adviser. net

> Job Fair Tips
Local job fairs are a great place to meet nearly every large business in the area.

Many businesses will travel from up to one hundred miles away to showcase their company to you.

They want to show you what benefits they have so you will apply to their company.

Now you need to show them why your benefits will help their company and why they should interview you. Let’s look at some job fair tips that will get you started. 

> Before the Job Fair
First you want to make sure that you have a lot of fresh resumes. This may be the only time that I say that a ‘generic’ resume is OK. You will want to take anywhere between 20-50 depending on the size of the job fair. You should carry them in a professional looking portfolio so they cannot become dented, folded or bent. It would also be smart to have a few references sheets available for employers who ask for them.

Make sure that you are dressed appropriately in a professional manner in navy blue or black. This outfit should be pressed, and have no pattern. You will want to avoid any perfumes since there are many who have allergies and asthma. Dressing professionally comes in handy since you never know when an employer may be interested in having an interview on the spot at a job fair. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes; you will be on your feet for quite a while.

Have a few pens or pencils with you so you can fill out applications. Some employers will want you to fill them out immediately at their booths, and some will allow you to take them home with you to fill out and return at your leisure. But always be prepared for the possibility.
Be prepared to answer questions from the recruiter. They may have simple interview type questions for you. This is to see if you are going to be someone that they would like to see more of. If you want to come in for a more detailed interview, have these answers prepared in advance and you can’t go wrong.

> The Time Has Come
Arrive early! You will want to make sure that you register, get your nametag and map your most desired stops out first. If you are able to stop by the booths you want first you won’t have to worry about fighting them later with 10 other people around and not being seen for the talented individual that you are. Arrive early and you can have their attention and you can showcase your resume to them firsthand.

Ask questions of the recruiters. Make sure that they know you are interested in what they have to offer. You want to make sure that you have a few questions, like you would have in an interview, ready for them. This will open the doors of communication and let them know you are the right person for the job.

Never interrupt someone else speaking. This shows a lack of concern and may prove to be a down fall for you. You will want to be firm and get your thoughts in, but you don’t want to be pushy.

> After the Fair
Take business cards from each booth that you visit. This will enable you to send thank you cards to each of the people that you visited. Most of the other participants will not think to do so, and you will have a heads up. Etiquette only calls that you do this after an interview, so this will be the icing on the cupcake for you. Thank them for the time, let them know that you were interested in their company and you hope to hear from them soon.

> Points to keep In Mind:
  • Take business cards
  • Send thank you notes
  • Don’t interrupt
  • Ask questions
  • Be prepared to answer interview questions
  • Arrive early
  • Have pens and/or pencils
  • Have extra resumes
  • Dress professionally
  • Wear comfortable shoes
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Cover Letter Tips >> Making Yourself Irresistible Part II

By interviewmastermind .com

Here are cover letter tips to keep your resume from ending up in the trash can:
>> Don’t just parrot your resume.

Your cover letter, though short and simple, is an asset that will pave the way for your future income, and a lot of prospective employees make the mistake of writing exactly what is on the resume.  Don’t do this—it shows a lack of creativity.  Your cover letter should expand and serve as a bridge to your resume.  Since it’s the first thing they see, make it count.  This goes back to the previous point- it’s one of the crucial cover letter tips.  Brag and talk about how great you are but don’t just summarize your resume.

>> Don’t come across as a Harvard prude, even if you are one.

Professionalism is nice, but no one wants to work with a pompous ass.  If that’s not how you talk on a daily basis, tone it down.  If that is how you talk, you’ve got bigger problems than I can solve.  Write like a kindergartner.  Okay, I don’t mean write sentences like “Jane likes jobs.  Jane wants money.”  I mean be clear and simple, and sound out your words while you write to make sure they aren’t too sophisticated.  And definitely don’t talk about how this is one of the awesome cover letter tips you found here.  You don’t have to spill the beans like a kindergartener would either, just be clear, concise and readable.

>> Email letters should be short and sweet, like a one-night stand.

Long emails waste time that could be better spent on Facebook.  Once they open your resume they’ve decided to invest some time in you, so they are psychologically prepared for more information.  Einstein once said, “Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.”  Anything more will make you seem like a possible future headache.

>> Attack them from all angles.

If you don’t have submission guidelines, send the resume as an attachment and an email.  Then point it out.  “I’m such a great fella I sent this as an email AND an attachment.”  The message is you are the type of person who will make their life easier.

>> The most crucial of the cover letter tips- Don’t be weak.

“My professional resume is included if you would like to look at it.”   Subconsciously, you just told them you aren’t even sure if your resume is worth their time.  Grow a pair.  Say something direct and casual like, “As you can see in my resume, I’ve worked in the midget porn industry for forty-three years.”  EXPECT them to read it, and they are much more likely to do so.  Ok, so that actual line is not one of the cover letter tips you should utilize, but you get what I mean.

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Cover Letter Tips >> Making Yourself Irresistible Part I

By interviewmastermind .com

Most employers could go their whole lives without reading another resume  if it was up to them, so that’s when truly helpful cover letter tips come in handy.  If they are not in a hurry to hire, the last thing they want to do with their time is pick through anonymous resumes.  A cover letter gives you a quick chance to tell them why they should take a closer look at you.

Here are cover letter tips to keep your resume from ending up in the trash can:

>> If you’ve got connections, use them.cover letter tips

Name-dropping works.  For one, an employer feels a subconscious obligation to give you a solid chance if you have a mutual contact.  In fact, they will probably have to find a good reason not to hire you if it might affect their social life or business.  Also, human beings are ethnocentric creatures — which means they’re hesitant to let anyone into their world that they don’t know.  This is one of the oldest cover letter tips ever used, but it still works.   Establish a connection and they’re more likely to take a chance.

>> Never address “To Whom it May Concern.”

This is one of the cover letter tips you need to keep at the forefront of your mind.  Even if they know you don’t know them, saying their name gets their attention, as if the letter is truly to them.  It makes it more personal.  Besides, if you don’t have the brains to research a name, they don’t want you.  It shows you care about the position and are willing to do some homework.  Otherwise you’re like that shameless spammer on Facebook who is always promoting his band that no one likes—“Be my friend!  Be my friend!”  No one likes that guy, so don’t act like him.
>> Keep it Conversational.

Keeping the cover letter conversational is one of the best cover letter tips out there.  Show some personality and the reader is less likely to crumple it up and shoot a basket.  This type of language makes people feel like you have rapport even if you’ve never met.

>> Brag about yourself.

While your dedication to telling the world how awesome you are hasn’t scored you many friends in the past, here is your chance to put it out there without everyone leaving the room talking about what a douche bag your are.  Finally.  Tell them why you’re the man or woman for the job.  Having the confidence to state it straight up sends the signal that you really are qualified.

The more specific, tangible, and measurable the better because it tells them you’re not just winging it.

>> Always talk about your achievements.

They don’t just want another employee—they want the best, and achievements mark you as a high-value individual.  Use bullet points to cover more space, creating the illusion there is more information than there actually is.  Most cover letter tips will tell you not to list your accomplishments, but this is where you want to brag away.

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Job Interview Questions : The Correct Way to Answer

by  job- search- adviser. net

Question 1 : Like me – Like me NOT

Image of a man using a computerOne of the most common interview questions is, “What did you like most, and what did you dislike most about your last job?”

When you give your job interview answer for this question you want to make sure that you do not speak too negatively about your prior company. If you do so, this may lead the person that you are interviewing with to assume that you will do the same with their company. Job interview answers are not always the easiest to spin into something positive. You may need to write, rewrite and rewrite again to get this answer correct.

Try an answer something like this: “I enjoyed the company because they rewarded the employees when all goals were completed. It showed us that they really cared about our hard work and us. I would have enjoyed the it more if they would have had more advancement opportunities.”  

Question 2 : weakness VS. STRENGTHS

Employers tend to ask about your strengths and weaknesses. They may form the questions like this, “What is your greatest weakness?” and “What is your greatest strengths?”

Most individuals can come up with a job interview answer for strengths in a heartbeat, but can’t come up with a weakness that they are willing to share with others. So they stumble over the answer and end up sounding a little weak in the interview. Make sure you do not refer to your weakness as such, spin it to a positive.

So look at the better way to have a job interview answer for this question: “I enjoy taking pride in my work so I tend to take a little too much time checking it. Luckily I have learned some new features of Microsoft office 2007 that have helped me to better and more efficiently check my work.

Question 3 : The boss is wrong!
There are times when interview questions that will ask you about your judgment. They may ask you, “What would you do if your boss told you to do something and you knew that was the wrong way to do it?

This question may make you start to squirm a little in your seat. How in the world are you going to answer this without getting them upset? Try a job interview answer along these lines: “To be honest with you, I’m not sure what I would do. If it was something minor I may just do as I was told, and go with the flow, but if it was something that I knew was really wrong I would have to talk to him about it.”

You may also want to mention the fact that some people take confrontation differently than others. There are supervisors that you can approach and would have no problem with you letting them know they are wrong. There are also supervisors that do not care to have their authority challenged, even in private conversations.

Question 4 : Have you done your homework?

Sometimes the interviewer will ask you this question, “How did you get ready for this interview?” or “What do you know about our company?”
OK, your first responses is Oh no, not a pop quiz! I can’t do that! There has to be a way to avoid this job interview answer! Alas, this is not so!
Make sure that when you do send in your resume that you look up the company on the Internet and see if they have a website. See what they are about, what their mission statement is, and if this would be a company you would want to work for. Then a great job interview answer would look like this: “When I found the ad in the Anytown Daily Press I did a Google search on your company and went to your website.

I was impressed by your mission statement and the amount of community service that you do every year, that is something that is important to me as well. I looked over your annual report and noticed that the company had a slight increase in the equity this year. I think that with me in the accounting office that I will be able to assist the Accounting Manager in at least doubling that target. As you can see on my resume…”

As you can tell, the interviewee did their homework, and was able to show the employer that he or she had as well. It’s important to keep the employer on your side. The best thing to do is to have knowledge, for knowledge is power.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Leadership Tips > Bad Leadership Traits II

By M Rasing

Good leaders may also exhibit bad leadership traits every now and then. But if a leader consistently exhibit bad traits, then you better do something about it because the organization may suffer because of such a leader. Here are the bad leadership traits.
  • Loves big strategies but no thought for implementation. It's good to dream. But you gotta wake up to implement and chase after those dreams!
  • Too much focused on rules. No problem on rules but there are times that they have to be bent to accommodate a bigger good.
  • Ruling with an iron hand. There is no armed rebellion in the workplace isn't there? Since there is none, there is really no need for ruling with an iron hand!
  • Impulsiveness. A leader should think carefully before embarking on any project and say anything at all!
  • Complicates conflicts instead of resolving them. A leader should learn how to manage conflicts and not inflame them.
  • Unwillingness to learn. Given the present situation of the global economy and how the business setting changes continuously, learning is imperative.
  • Reacting negatively to criticism. A leader should keep an open ear to criticism, whether good or bad. It might lead to something good if taken in the right way.
  • Approves unethical business. This is a sure-fire guarantee that your organization will go the way of Enron. Beware of leaders who approve unethical business!

These bad leadership traits can be found all over the workplace. Avoid them. If you find any of these, then you better device some strategy on how to deal with them.
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Leadership Tips > Bad Leadership Traits I

By M Rasing

Good leaders may also exhibit bad leadership traits every now and then. But if a leader consistently exhibit bad traits, then you better do something about it because the organization may suffer because of such a leader. Here are the bad leadership traits.
  • Too much love for self. A bad leader puts himself above others. In matters involving the organization, he would rather protect his own interests that that of the organization.-job-
  • Poor communication. He assumes a lot and expects others to play by his rules. Yet, he rarely communicates his expectations, his goals and the things that he wants the organization to work on. Poor communication is the cause of numerous preventable conflicts. That is why this is a bad trait for a leader to have.
  • Unwillingness to Take Risks. Whether in a business setting or in a non-profit situation, risks are inevitable. A leader who does not want to take risks is either deluded or living in an entirely closed shell!
  • Indecisiveness. A bad leader wavers in his decisions. He decides one thing, then change it again. Then change it again soon after that. People can get easily confused because of this indecisiveness.
  • Laissez Faire. This leader simply lets things happen as they happen. He does not want to participate in constructing the reality that would lead to benefit the organization.
  • Poor Self Management. If you cannot manage yourself, how do you expect to manage a whole set of people who are working on different issues and tasks at the same time? Personal self management is a necessity for any good leader.
  • Playing Favorites. Everything in an organization must be merit-based. Rewards and even punishments must be commensurate to output and performance. If a leader plays favorites, then he is compromising the long-term health of the organization.
  • Lack of Accountability. When a leader just wants to do things his own way without regard of accountability, you have take note. This is the beginning of a lack of accountability which might lead to a leader going astray.
  • Deceitful. If a leader starts telling stories to one person and then a different version of that story to another person, then deceit has taken hold of the leader. There is probably some kind of cover-up going on.
  • Too passionate for power, wealth and prestige. Leaders are entitled to wealth, power and prestige. But if he passionate only for these things, then something has gone awry! He is no longer thinking right for his office and for the organization.
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Transformational Effectiveness Leadership Solution

By Doreen Mcgunagle

With the help of this type of leadership, considerable positive changes take place among the followers. The transformational leader boosts the morale, performance and motivation with various mechanisms, such as connecting the sense of identity and self of the followers with the mission and identity of the organization, inspiring the followers as a role model, challenging followers to take up the responsibility of their work, determining the strengths and weaknesses of the followers for aligning them with tasks according to their performance.

The elements that are provided by transformational leadership are individualized consideration, wherein the leader attends to each follower's needs and communicates with them individually; intellectual stimulation, wherein the leader encourages creativity and independence in the followers; inspirational motivation, wherein the leader creates an appealing and inspiring vision for the followers; and idealized influence, wherein the leader acts as a role model instilling highly ethical behavior, pride, respect and trust.

In transformational leadership, the leader chases success along with you while motivating your passion and energy towards the given task. A vision or so-called "dream" is created by the leader to encourage the followers to pursue their goals. The leader sets an example for his followers by acting appropriately to achieve the goals. He inspires his followers to sustain commitment and not drift away from their goals while creating a balance of attention between the progress and mental state of the followers.

The followers also become the product of transformation while the leader attempts to transform the organization. Transformational leadership is carried out with charisma that motivates positively with enthusiasm. The leader is basically concerned with the individual success of his followers.

Transformational leadership is another form of leadership, apart from charismatic leadership, that gathers their followers through style and personality. As it is used to move a group in a new direction, it was initially based as business leadership. Such leaders not only inspire but they also stimulate individuals to think differently, think out-of-the-box while their needs are taken care of by the leader. You need to be more energetic and enthusiastic as a transformational leader, in order to avoid people falling asleep while you preach. With good content and integrity, you can present change to your people while imparting inspiring speeches that may improve the communication gap between the follow and the leader.

Interaction is important as the transformational leader may apply ideas of the followers themselves while chasing a goal. Transformational leadership comes through awareness of what is good, bad or unimportant for enhancing the needs of the people with motivation. You can succeed as a transformational leader when you influence the idea, conviction, example and extraordinary ability to mobilize your followers to make things work accordingly.

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